Storing Your Biological Materials With An Ultra-Low Lab Freezer

11 November, 2024

Storing Your Biological Materials With An Ultra-Low Lab Freezer: Over the past few years, ultra-low-temperature freezers have become a more popular choice for laboratories. Ultra-low freezers are widely used in laboratories to store biological materials. They are good for modern labs to store drugs, biological materials, enzymes, tissue samples, etc.

Ultra-low temperature freezers, commonly known as ULT, have temperatures ranging from -40°C to -86°C to store drugs, biological materials, enzymes, tissue samples, etc.

This article explores information on laboratory freezers, such as understanding temperature-controlled lab freezers, the benefits of ultra-low lab freezers, the types of ultra-low laboratory freezers, and more. If you want to understand an ultra-low lab freezer, read this article carefully.

Understanding Ultra-Low Lab Freezer

It’s advisable to understand ultra-low lab freezers to make an informed decision. Below, I’m sharing valuable information on temperature-controlled lab freezers.

Ultra-low temperature freezers (ULT freezers) are popular refrigerators that store drugs, biological materials, enzymes, tissue samples, and medical materials at temperatures ranging from -40°C to -86°C. They safeguard biological and tissue samples by keeping them at low temperatures.

On the other hand, ultra-low-temperature freezers provide a temperature between -40 to -80°C or -40 to -123°F to store biological samples and other medical materials. They are great devices that store and protect blood and its components, tissues, human cells, and laboratory and biological samples at ultra-low temperatures between -40 to -80°C or -40 to -123°F. Besides, ultra-low lab freezers are equipped with a high-performing cooling system that helps store blood components and specimens, tissues, human cells, and laboratory samples.

The Benefits of Ultra-Low Lab Freezers

When it comes to the benefits of ultra-low lab freezers, there are many benefits of utilizing ultra-low lab freezers. Here are the most common benefits of ultra-low temperature lab freezers.

Perfect for storing the samples without any hassle

This is one of the most common benefits of utilizing a low-temperature lab freezer. Typically, most laboratories utilize temperature-controlled lab freezers to store biological samples without hassle.

Protect your samples from damage

This is another benefit of utilizing a low-temperature lab freezer. Generally, ultra-low laboratory freezers protect laboratory samples from damage, making them an ideal choice for healthcare professionals.

Great cooling efficiency

Most healthcare professionals consider ultra-low lab freezers to store drugs, biological materials, enzymes, tissue samples, and more. This is because they provide great cooling efficiency that helps protect your samples without any hassle.

Made in strict accordance with ASTM testing standards

The ultra-low temperature freezers are made in strict accordance with ASTM testing standards, making them an excellent source for laboratories to store medical-related items such as drugs, biological materials, enzymes, tissue samples, etc.

HMI screen display

Ultra-low temperature lab freezers are preferred by healthcare professionals due to their HMI screen display, which enables the use of two sample racks with a USB communication port. Also, the HMI screen display can make ultra-low lab freezers easy for healthcare professionals to read the testing results.

These are the most common benefits of utilizing ultra-low lab freezers. Start an online search to understand more benefits of ultra-low lab freezers.

The Types of Ultra-Low Laboratory Freezers

When it comes to the types of ultra-low laboratory freezers, there are a few types of ultra-low laboratory freezers. Ultra-low laboratory freezers come in various sizes and designs depending on the required storage capacity. Below are the types of ultra-low laboratory freezers for your general information purposes.

There are typically two types of ultra-low lab freezers – upright and chest freezers. Upright low lab freezers give easy access for frequent use. Besides this, chest-low lab freezers come in less frequently used items and long-term storage. You can store items in the low-chest lab freezer with less frequent use.

Presently, upright low lab freezers are the most common types used in laboratories because they save space and make layouts more accessible.

What Are The Features Of Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers?

Several laboratories consider ultra-low temperature freezers to store drugs, biological materials, enzymes, tissue samples, etc. This is because they have a range of excellent features. Here are the features of ultra-low temperature freezers.

  • Clear, simple, and user-friendly interface
  • Sample security and robust construction
  • Reduction of frost formation heated pressure release valve
  • Cascade refrigeration system
  • East tank cleaning
  • Ergonomic smart handle
  • Quick temperatures pull down
  • Temperature homogeneity
  • Cascade compressors
  • F-gas conformity
  • Rapid recovery of the set temperature
  • Visual and audible alarms

Uses of Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer

When we talk about the uses of ultra-low temperature freezers, there are many uses of them. They are used for applications in a wide range. Some of the most common uses of ultra-low temperature freezers are here.

Ultra-low temperature freezers are used for biological and biotech storage in research universities, blood banks, forensic labs, medical centres, hospitals, and more.

Ultra-low lab freezers are another used to store biological samples, which include blood, plasma and tissues, DNA/RNA, autopsy materials, chemicals drugs and antibiotics, and plant & insect samples.

These low-temperature freezers are also used to determine the ability of products and machinery in order to perform reliably under severe low-temperature conditions.

In addition to these uses, ultra-low temperature freezers are used for bacteria preservation and textile preservation.

Things to Consider Before Choosing A ULT Freezer

To make an informed decision on a ULT freezer, you should know a few things before choosing a ULT freezer. Here, we shared the most common things that are needed to make the best deal on a ULT freezer.

  • Storage Capacity
  • Temperature Uniformity
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Ergonomic Design
  • Sample Protection

In a Nutshell:

As discussed earlier, ultra-low lab temperature freezers play a crucial role in the biological industry, responsible for storing biological samples, such as DNA/RNA, plasma and tissues, autopsy materials, chemicals drugs and antibiotics, and plant & insect samples. In today’s era, they are used in research universities, blood banks, forensic labs, medical centres, hospitals, and more.

This is a guide to understanding ultra-low lab freezers. Start an online search to understand more about ultra-low lab freezers.