Unique Knowledge on Pulmonary Hypertension Oxygen Therapy

Pulmonary Hypertension Oxygen Therapy: Everything You Need To Know

Pulmonary hypertension oxygen therapy, sometimes called supplemental oxygen, has become a popular source for people to increase and maintain the amount of oxygen in their blood and even reduce symptoms of fatigue and dyspnea while improving concentration. This therapy may be recommended for those who have certain medical conditions that cause low blood oxygen, such as PAH. Generally, this oxygen therapy gives your body more oxygen with each inward breath, helping you reduce certain symptoms like shortness of breath. Start an online search to learn more about pulmonary hypertension oxygen therapy.

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a serious condition where blood pressure in the arteries of your lungs is abnormally high. Oxygen therapy is often a crucial part of reducing the risk of this condition. Read this article to understand more about pulmonary hypertension oxygen therapy.

Understanding the Pulmonary Hypertension (PH)

We know that pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a critical condition that affects your lungs abnormally high.  Pulmonary hypertension, also known as PH, is a condition in which the arteries in the lungs become narrowed or blocked, making it more difficult for the heart to pump blood through them.  This increased blood pressure can lead to several symptoms. It leads to common symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness, fatigue, and chest pain.

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Reasons why Oxygen Therapy is used in Pulmonary Hypertension (PH)

Here’s a breakdown of why oxygen therapy is used in pulmonary hypertension (PH).

Increased Oxygen Levels

It is the most common reason for using oxygen therapy in PH. Generally, oxygen therapy helps people provide additional oxygen to their bodies, compensating for the reduced oxygen levels caused by pulmonary hypertension (PH).


Oxygen also acts as a vasodilator, meaning it helps relax the blood vessels in your lungs, helping reduce blood pressure.

You can get more reasons why oxygen therapy is used in PH through an online search.

The Types of Oxygen Therapy

The types of oxygen therapy depend on the severity of your pulmonary hypertension and your lifestyle. Here are the most common types of pulmonary hypertension oxygen therapy.

1. Nasal Cannula

Nasal Cannula is the most common type of oxygen therapy. This oxygen therapy is a popular method for delivering supplemental oxygen. Generally, Nasal Cannula is a thin, plastic tube that is fitted into your nostrils, with two prongs that sit gently inside.

How does it work?

Here’s a breakdown of how it works.

Oxygen Flow

Nasal Cannula typically fits into your nostrils, and a steady stream of oxygen flows through it and into your nostrils.

Low Flow

Nasal Cannula works to deliver low flow rates of oxygen, making it an ideal option for patients who require supplemental oxygen but do not require a high concentration.


Nasal Cannulas are typically comfortable and suitable to wear and allow for easy talking, drinking, and eating.

Benefits of Nasal Cannula

We know that Nasal Cannula is a perfect type of oxygen therapy. It includes many benefits like comfort, convenience, and effectiveness, making it the top choice for patients who require supplemental oxygen but do not require a high concentration.

2. Oxygen Mask

An oxygen mask is a higher-concentration delivery system for patients who require supplemental oxygen. It is included in oxygen therapy. It is a piece of medical equipment designed to flow oxygen to a patient. This medical equipment covers both the nose and mouth, helping patients allow for a higher concentration of oxygen to be delivered.

There are three types of Oxygen Masks, which include Simple Oxygen Masks for delivering a higher oxygen concentration, Partial Rebreather Mask for collecting some exhaled oxygen and mixing it with fresh oxygen, and Non-Rebreather Mask for preventing exhaled air from mixing with the oxygen supply.

This type of equipment holds benefits from higher oxygen concentration and is effective, making it the best oxygen therapy.

3. Oxygen Concentrator

We will talk about another oxygen therapy, which is the oxygen concentrator. It is a popular medical device that pulls in air from the environment, filters out nitrogen, and produces a concentrated stream of oxygen for a patient. It is a more popular medical device for oxygen therapy because it delivers a continuous source of oxygen.

Generally, oxygen concentrators come in two types – the first is a Stationary Concentrator, and the second is a Portable Concentrator.

How does it work?

Air intake:

Air intake holds oxygen that draws in regular air from the patient’s room. It plays an important role in delivering sufficient oxygen to a patient.


The machine separates the required oxygen from the other gases, especially nitrogen.

Delivers Oxygen:

This medical device delivers oxygen to a patient through tubing and a Nasal Cannula or mask.

4. Portable Oxygen Tanks

Portable Oxygen Tanks are other types of oxygen therapy. They are the most effective medical devices that offer complete independence for patients with respiratory conditions who require supplemental oxygen. They come in various sizes and weights that accommodate different needs.

Here’s a breakdown of the types of portable oxygen tanks.

Aluminum Tanks

Aluminum tanks are the most common type of portable oxygen tank. They are recognized for their durability and lightweight nature.

Carbon Fiber Tanks

Carbon Fiber Tanks are other types of portable oxygen tanks. They are generally lighter than aluminum tanks that fit anywhere in a room. However, they are more expensive than aluminum tanks.

Liquid Oxygen Tanks

These are good portable oxygen tanks. They play a crucial role in offering oxygen to a patient with a respiratory condition who requires supplemental oxygen. Generally, these hold oxygen in a liquid form, helping patients allow for longer durations of use. However, they require special handling.

How do they work?

Generally, portable oxygen tanks store compressed oxygen gas. After opening a tank, the oxygen flows through a tubing to a nasal cannula or mask.


Oxygen therapy is a vital component in managing pulmonary hypertension (PH). By providing additional oxygen, it helps to alleviate symptoms like shortness of breath, fatigue, and dizziness.

This is a guide to the oxygen therapy for Pulmonary Hypertension (PH). It’s recommended to check all aspects of pulmonary hypertension oxygen therapy before making a decision.

Start a search today to understand more about pulmonary hypertension oxygen therapy.


Oxygen Therapy